Saturday, August 22, 2015

How he Got His Birth Name / Change of it

Tulsidas was born to Hulsi and Atmaram Shukla Dube in Rajpur, Uttar Pradesh, India in 1532. He was a Sarayuparina Brahmin by birth and an incarnation of Sage Valmiki, the author of the Sanskrit Ramyana. At the time of birth, Goswamiji was as healthy as a five-year old boy and instead of crying, He uttered “Ram”. At this moment, Lord Ram did aakaashvaani and named the divine child as “Raambolaa”.

His mother died the day after his birth and that Rama Bhola was wet-nursed until the age of five whenHow he Got His Birth Name / Change of it he was given over to Narahari Dasa, a wandering sadhu. He re-named him as Tulsi Dasa

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